Top 4 High-End Careers in 2020 (No Degree Required)

While it’s a fact that it’s becoming harder to get a high paying job without a college degree, there are still a handful of opportunities that pay the big bucks and that don’t require higher education. If you’re not already one of these lucky workers, you can become one by rounding out your skills, writing a better resume, and managing your career wisely.
I'm gonna talk about the top 4 high-end careers for 2020 no degree required. first, let me go over how I chose these four careers first it's 2020 coming right so none of these careers requires a degree, number two they all have the potential to earn over $100,000 easily, number three they all have the opportunity to be remote and then number four these are high-income skills, not a high-income jobs. Let me make the distinction first a high-income skill is a skill that can be used across a lot of companies most companies need a skill this skill versus a high-income job is a very specific role and you get fired from that role pretty much anytime. So let's discuss them one by one.

Web Development:

First on the list is being a full-stack developer. When people think full-stack developer they think oh couldn't that be outsourced or there are websites like Squarespace or Wix where people can just make their own website why would anybody still need a web developer? Good question so there's a distinction between a website and a web developer or web app, a website is a static page as some pictures some text About Me section some information but it's not dynamic it's static as they would say in the web developer world what does that mean the website doesn't really change it that much you just push some links.

A static web page

A web app is where the user could log in, a user could store their data upload their picture they could make purchases put their credit card information in. It has functionality and when you have that functionality you need a web developer and so that's where a web developer comes in.

4 top High-End Careers without any degree
An example of Dynamic Website

The Complete Web Developer In 2018: Zero To Mastery

Some perks about being a web developer is that after you do get a couple years of experience bear easily to find remote work number two it's very fun to build stuff if you're that kind of technical-minded person it's very fast to get started easily to learn number three very easy to go to a web developer Bootcamp and get a job right away absolutely does not require a formal education. Some drawbacks though if you're a person who does not like to debug code look at lines of code it's definitely not gonna be for you the last drawback is if you're someone who wants a lot of social interaction then also it's not the career for you.
Average Salary: $112K

Digital Marketing:

So what is digital marketing? digital marketing is the art of selling online selling anything the most common being pay per click which is buying Facebook Ads buying Google Ads buying Bing ads Instagram ads any kind of ads that are the most popular form of digital marketing but digital marketing comes as selling anything on the Internet so that can mean selling through search engine optimization also known as SEO but also email marketing which is selling through email.
A LinkedIn published a report in May 2018, it reported that there is a lack of 320,000 digital marketers, digital marketing roles that aren't being filled because there's not enough talent so when people say oh it's hard to get a job it's not that hard to get a job if you have the right skills.

Top 4 High-End Careers in 2019 (No Degree Required)

So what kind of personality is good for a digital marketer someone who likes to test things because with digital marketing you're always split testing you're always testing different ads different campaigns second quality of a digital marketer you like a little bit of psychology because psychology selling persuasion is all psychology so if you're a person that likes psychology you would have liked digital marketing and the last one is are you a data-driven person do you like to make choices based on data if you like data but you don't like to do coding you don't like to do math then I think digital marketing is going to be the one for you.

Average Salary: $77K


I didn't hear about copywriting until I don't know like last year which is kind of amazing because copywriting has actually been around since print has been like Gutenberg's print since that
copywriting has been around because people have been selling through printing the printing press through newspapers newsletters people have been selling through writing and that's what copywriting is it's selling through writing. 
So maybe you got an English degree and maybe you're a little bit poor right now you're thinking how can I use my English degree how can I use my English skills to earn a reasonable respectable income the answer is copywriting so how does copywriter works? well, good question emails are all copy so copywriters today really focus on writing emails that sell, another form of copywriting is writing
the copy for digital ads so when you see a Facebook Ad there's usually some text before the picture or before the video, a copywriter wrote that or if you have seen an Instagram ad and there's a description a copywriter wrote that.
a copywriter also writes all the texts on websites so if you go to a company's website and then there's the about us and our mission and our team who writes the text for all that it's not just the web developer right that's not his role it's not the UX UI designer is the copywriter his job to write all that
so that's copywriting who is it good for obviously good for people who enjoy writing and maybe you enjoy writing but you never found a way to make money from it copywriting is a solution for that simple enough.
Average Salary: $71K

Data Scientists:

what is data science? the common theme between all these skills is that there are skills used to sell. Data science is no different so data science collects customer data or maybe prospect data or leads data and from the data helps companies sell more product right so Amazon might use data scientist to recommend you better products so you buy more stuff on their website Netflix might use data science to recommend you better videos that you don't want to watch so you stay hooked on Netflix and
so you keep your subscription.

Top 4 High-End Careers in 2019 (No Degree Required)

Data Science Beginners Guide To The Command Line

There are two caveats with data science though first there is not a lot of remote work for data science today in 2018 the second is that it is extremely math heavy so it's not for the faint of heart if you're someone that struggles with algebra honestly it's probably not the career for you it's heavy in multivariable calculus linear algebra and statistics-heavy on data and there's a huge science part of it. Who is it good for it if you're someone who studied biology chemistry physics any of the sciences but you struggled to find although a reasonable paying job going to going into data science going to data science Bootcamp is going to be a good alternative for you because data science jobs actually pay a pretty good amount and so right now I would say there is much more demand for data scientists than there is talent. 
So if you really want to get into this role because you come from science back this is the perfect one for you all.
Average Salary: $121K

You can choose pretty much any skill depending on your strengths your interest and you can convert your passion/ interest into a dream job.
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