3 Good Tech Habits You Should Follow in 2020

According to the book Pick Three by Randi Zuckerberg former marketing head of Facebook; 
you can focus on only 3 things out of 5, i.e.
Work, Family, Friends, Fitness and Sleep

So, if you decided to spend time on Studies, Sleep and Fitness you won't be able to make time for Netflix or friends and family. Now YouTube is filled with a lot of self-help advice and video essays to Kickstart 2020 but we are not here for that rather we will be talking about ideas that we personally use and has to the test of time so in our context, we'll talk about fitness, work and sleep and how to use tech to turn them into a habit.


So, let's get started when it comes to exercise most people think of a fit body, however, the biggest reason to exercise is a healthy brain according to the John Ratey book Spark;
Exercise is the single most powerful tool available to optimize the brain.
Studies have shown that exercise can help us cope with stress ADHD and can improve our ability to focus and to learn new things. I exercise because it makes me efficient at work and it doesn't have to be hitting the gym any kind of physical activity that you enjoy is exercise can be running, swimming, playing a sport, cycling or even brisk walking.

Now one of my favourite things that will get you into exercise is Fitness mats I've been using the AmazFit Bip for quite a long time and the primary reason is the standalone GPS tracker but here's the alleged part the activity reminder I work a lot on the computer and sitting for hours is not good for your posture. So, like every fitness band this has an activity a reminder which pushes me to be active every hour and just to show you the drawbacks of the sedentary lifestyle, you are born with the J-shaped spine and you end up with an s-shaped one.

3 Good Tech Habits You Should Follow in 2020

Overall the bigger picture here is to pick a physical an exercise that works for you could be lifting weights cycling running walking playing a sport anything that works for you and use the relevant tech app to track it and keep yourself motivated.


Now when it comes to sleep you might have heard most successful people claim they sleep five hours a day but there is still ambiguity amongst the fact how many hours should you actually sleep according to the popular author and scientist Matthew Walker;
There is an adaptive balance to be struck between wakefulness and sleep in humans that appears to be around hours of total wakefulness and around hours of total sleep for an average adult.

So to get that proper eight hours of sleep for most I started tracking my sleep the fitness band helps in that case next I gave up on media consumption and most of my smartphone usage for that I use Google's native digital well-being app wherein I can provide app limits so when that is reached you cannot use the app until the next day additionally I use the Do Not Disturb mode quite a lot while I'm working so I am not distracted by those Whatsapp notifications moreover I made a rule to not use my phone an hour before going to bed and to deal with that I read from a Kindle or a physical book you can also use audible which is a fantastic book source the point is we avoid the smartphones blue light before going to bed the blue light coming up from your smartphone messes up your circadian rhythm and causes those random incomplete sleep patterns.


So, the third thing to focus is work and, in our context, we'll take it as learning a skill and disclaimer don't learn it from YouTube, Reddit comments, podcast or Twitter. Yeah the flipside of these platforms is that the information is pretty concise and surface level it might be good in order to create an opinion and win a battle in the comment section but you're not gaining any knowledge out of it for that you have to read books as you would already know Bill Gates the co-founder of Microsoft is quite passionate about reading you can visit the GatesNotes.com to know about the books he read and his review on those but as a popular convention you have always been taught to pick up a book or read a newspaper every morning this is how you read but Nah, that's not the only way you read I use Kindle quite a lot and the biggest reason is zero distractions moreover, it's portable easy to use doesn't require maintenance the other side is Kindle and audible come at a cost but if you look at it in hindsight you are investing in yourself     you're investing in gaining knowledge.

For other book-related summary apps here's my personal experience on those I use an app called Book Book for a brief period of time it summarizes a book for you in the form of a chat conversation it's on similar lines like blink lists but soon I realized is doing more harm than good in the long run I am eliminating the habit of sitting down and reading a book plus I'm getting too quick to jump to conclusions reading an entire book makes you think about the subject introspect and research more about the topic whereas the summery only tells you what's the book about and the readers interpretation of the book so to summarize there are three takeaways from this article do a fitness activity not just to stay fit but to also train your brain and track it with an app of fitness man stay motivated and continue it in the long run second sleep eight hours a day instead of five to six hours track your sleep avoid smartphone usage because sleep is as important as anything else third finally learn new skills and read more books if physical books work for you do that else consider audible or even Kindle and rather than getting all your sources from Quora and Reddit.

To end this we firmly believe that tech will change life as we go on and health and finance are the two biggest sectors that would be most affected by tech in the coming years let us know your thoughts in the comment below.

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